Thursday, April 22, 2010

Freak is Chic

The other day I bought a new notebook for all my scribbling, and the cover has a picture of a goldfish wearing a top hat and roller skates and says "God Bless the Freaks". This is something new.

I find it fascinating that being a "freak" is somehow in style now, and people try really hard to be "different", which is why stores like Spencer's and Hot Topic thrive at malls across the country.

Just a few decades ago, during the 1950's, being different was considered as terrible a crime as murder. McCarthyism was as rampant as the fear of communism, and people conformed because they were afraid to be singled out. Conformity became a national value, just like patriotism or freedom, and being different was strongly discouraged.

But ever since the cultural revolution of the 60's, teenagers have been trying to emulate that rebellious spirit. . .and failing. How is being different just like everyone else actually being different? How is dressing like your "different" friends being unique? It's still conformity, just conformity to what is considered outside the norm. A lot of teenagers, at such an insecure period in their lives, want to belong as much as they yearn to be unique. So styles like goth and emo and punk provide them with what they see as the perfect compromise.

Too bad nobody else sees it that way.

Still, it was nice to see that freaks are welcome nowadays, even if only superficially. I must say, that goldfish on roller skates was pretty cute.

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